The National Socialist Movement
Die Nationalsozialistische Bewegung
( an American
Nazi party )

NASA Artemis

Land the first woman and first person of color on the Moon

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN recently published an article titled, "Why Is It So Hard to Go Back to the Moon?" with the subtitle "NASA's Artemis moon program faces challenges the Apollo missions never did" which is true, because the Artemis mission "necessarily" includes women – and NIGGERS! "NASA has announced that Christina Koch will become the first woman to go on a lunar mission, and Victor Glover will become the first African American on such a voyage." That's right, the reason returning to the moon will be so hard, is because the challenges that it faces include DIVERSITY. Sending not those who have "the right stuff" (those who are most qualified to go) just as we did last time, but rather sending only those who are diverse (those who are least able to achieve the goal) which to me seems rather stupid. Why are they are just setting themselves up for failure?

Before Jews began controlling our thoughts and guiding us in ways contrary to common sense, contrary to our own self-interest and well being, we would choose only those able to push outside of the envelope and live to tell the tale, only those White men of exceptional ability would take on these bold missions – as they have “the right stuff.” If Niggers and even "women" (meaning of course White women) were better suited or even equally suited for the task, they would already be doing it, without our help.

World Economic Forum announced "NASA names woman, Blackstronaut to Artemis II crew in lunar first. A new first in diversity for the moon landings" stating: Christina Koch, 44, an engineer who already holds the record for longest continuous spaceflight by a woman and was part of NASA's first three all-female spacewalks, was named as a mission specialist for the Artemis II lunar flyby expected as early as next year.

She will be joined by Victor Glover, 46, a veteran of four spacewalks who NASA has designated as pilot of Artemis II. He will be the first Blackstronaut ever to be sent on a lunar mission.

Rounding out the crew are Jeremy Hansen, a Royal Canadian Air Force colonel and first Canadian ever chosen for a flight to the moon, as a mission specialist, and Reid Wiseman, former U.S. Navy fighter pilot, named as mission commander. Both are 47.

Yeah, that's right, name the "woman" and "Blackstronaut" first – then almost as an afterthought, name the two White guys who will be tasked with making the mission a success, somehow.

The bigotry of low-expectations – and they didn't even see it while typing the text above. For Whites, becoming an astronaut can take around 10 years. This requires four years of college, two additional years for a master's degree, two years of professional experience and then two years in the NASA Astronaut Corps. If you are Black, you only need a job (basically some work experience) where stocking shelves at 7-Eleven is good enough.

Don't you also find it incredible, this strange quirk in human history where we find ourselves? We are under this strange and self-destructive Jewish mind control dominance – where we willingly force ourselves to do some really stupid things, all in the name of diversity. The Jews have us bent on this incredible goal to prove something is true, which demonstrably is NOT true and never will be true, that there is a complete and total equality between the genders and the races. The Jews seek to make truth out of a lie, which apparently IS the Jewish way!


I don't normally do this, but because nobody has noticed this new posting, I thought I'd make the first comment, to draw attention to it. 🙂

This is one of the most accurate statements I've read in quite some time...

"The Jews have us bent on this incredible goal to prove something is true, which demonstrably is NOT true and never will be true,"

By the way, they already shot a monkey into space. The craft flies by computer, so the "passenger" is only along for the ride. Why not send one that's "EXPENDABLE?"


In reply to by Lt. Col. Harry… (not verified)

As the Scientific American article states, sending Niggers to the moon may actually have insurmountable obstacles, behavior and intellectual (meaning genetic) impediments which prevents this from ever taking place. Niggers can't function in a civilized society. I don't believe they could EVER be sent to the moon. I imagine a chimpout along the way, in a small and cramped capsule, would be enough to cause a mission failure, possibly with the death of everyone onboard. The ONLY reason they are doing this, is because (with the help of "skeptical" Whites) the Jews have already convinced a lot of White people that we are liars, like the Nigger "kangz" we lie about our White achievements on the moon and in space. The Jews have convinced many of us that White man never actually walked on the moon. The Jews instead want the so-called first on the moon to be Niggers, if for no other reason than to shit on White history.

As for me, I would prefer that ONLY White men who can actually achieve such a lofty goal, be allowed to go to the moon. No passengers! It is by our abilities alone, which allow craft to land on the moon – so the only ones walking on the moon should be White men, who have earned that right.

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