The National Socialist Movement
Die Nationalsozialistische Bewegung
( an American
Nazi party )


I recently discovered something that many of you may find interesting. A service provided by Cloudflare, called “Radar Domain Rankings” has replaced the now defunct Alexa Page Rank (a global ranking system that ranked millions of websites, in order of popularity) after they shut down operations, in May of 2022.

When regarding a website such as, the word “popularity” doesn't really come to mind, as most people would not expect a website such as this, to rank very high in global popularity – don't you agree?  And yet, we do!  Who could have ever imagined, that would manage to place within the same one million top website grouping, as,,, or to name but a few.

Radar Domain Rankings is based on aggregated domain resolver data from APNIC-LABS (an APNIC and Cloudflare DNS Resolver project) where the data is anonymized in accordance with privacy commitments. The dataset aims to identify the top most popular domains, based upon how people are using the Internet, globally – without tracking any individuals’ Internet use. They do not distinguish between what they think is a website, or an infrastructure system. Every domain represents an Internet-available resource, and these are ranked without content bias.

But what does domain popularity mean, exactly? APNIC-LABS research has concluded the volume of traffic generated to a given domain, doesn't really work as a proxy for what they perceive as popular. Instead, Radar Domain Rankings looks at the size of the population of users that look up a domain, per unit of time. The more people who are interested in a domain, the more popular it is. So Radar Domain Rankings’ popularity metric, can best be described as the estimated relative size of the user population that accesses a domain, over some period of time. And that's how the domain wound up in the top one million, globally. 🙂

Who knew there were that many White people around the world, interested in Nazis? Imagine where we would rank on Google, if they didn't artificially push our results down, due to their anti-White bias. I gave a quick search to see if other top organizations appear in the list, sure enough, some do. It seems also appears in the top one million (suggesting pro-White isn't as fringe as the Jews make it out to be) as well as and to name a few. If anyone finds any more, be sure to let us know, by commenting below!

The dataset you may use for confirmation, can be found here. Given there are approximately 1.13 billion websites on the internet in 2023, any website in the top one million, will rank in the 99.9th percentile (the top 0.088 percent) a 1 in 1,130 rarity. Anyone who says pro-White is fringe, has not taken a look at the unfiltered and unbiased data, available free from Cloudflare. Oh, and I'm sure now that I've brought public attention to this, the ADL will quickly smear Cloudflare as racist, possibly causing them to create a “hate filter” to remove such domains from their list, before publishing – but for now at least, we have the TRUTH and the truth looks GOOD!



In reply to by reynolds (not verified)

I missed the fact this demon was a jewess. Good catch. There is a contradiction in the bible regarding "God's Chosen." Yes, the Torah portion (written by the Jews themselves) in Deuteronomy 14:2 (NIV) says, "for you are a people holy to the Lord your God. Out of all the peoples on the face of the earth, the Lord has chosen you to be his treasured possession." however the only part that matters to a Christian is found in the New Testament, where Jesus says to the Jews, in John 8:44 (NIV) "You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies."

The cloth on Bill Gates' head in the photo was poorly photoshopped there. Whoever did it, didn't use perspective. I knew Gates when he was a young kid. And yes he did always act just like a Jew. While the rest of us were willing to TRADE our software creations, only Gates was demanding to SELL his. I would even say it was Bill Gates who invented the idea of selling software. Maxwell is a Scottish surname. Gates himself is English, German, and Irish/Scots-Irish, but his behavior is purely Jewish (then as now).

There is a curious thing about Trump though. As much as "our guys" call him Jew, the Jews themselves (through their Jewish media) call him "Hitler" (and that is not meant as a badge of honor, either). It seems that about every day now, a new story comes out of the Jewish media, comparing Trump to the Jewish fictional caricature of Adolf Hitler (as a man of evil). That seems like an odd way for Jews to treat a fellow Jew. Literally thousands of stories like this have been written and can be found using google, you may read some of the most recent ones, here.

In Jew York City, all of Trump's properties have been seized by the Jewish courts and (pending the outcome of appeal) will be sold at auction (for cheap) to be bought by REAL Jews at pennies on the dollar, as Trump is no longer allowed to do business in Jew York City AND he owes, according to the Jewish court, half a billion dollars in fines, which they will "recover" by auctioning off all his assets, which he is no longer allowed to own in the first place. Is that any way for the New York Jews to treat a fellow Jew, I mean, if he is one of them?…

The BBC has an article which states, "Let's take a look at some of the properties that Mr Trump might lose."
Trump Tower
Seven Springs Estate
40 Wall Street

Meanwhile, at Trump rallies, Trump himself points at the Jewish media and reminds us just how awful they are. Der lügenpresse. Then he shoves his head (and shoulders) right up Israel's ass, this happens right before our eyes at every rally. This I would imagine, is the only thing that you don't like about Trump, as economically we do pretty well under his lead (and quite poorly under Biden/Harris). And don't forget, thanks to the Abraham accords, Trump pretty much ended all war on earth before leaving office. You won't hear the Jewish media mention how under Trump all wars had ended, only for them to start back up again under Biden.

Yes, Trump appears to be head (and shoulders) up Israel's ass. But you see, I don't think you've ever read Sun Tzu (the art of war) wherein he says of your enemy, in this case the Jews, "If his forces are united, separate them. If sovereign and subject are in accord, put division between them." Isn't that exactly what Trump has achieved? Divide and conquer. Never before in recorded history has Jewish power been cut right in half – and Trump did that! Israeli Jews LOVE HIM, while American Jews HATE HIM – and are trying desperately to destroy him, any way they can. Through their Jewish courts, they seek to steal from Trump, everything he owns, leaving him with next to nothing.

Before Trump began his divide and conquer campaign over the Jews, the Jews were a world superpower that operated exactly like an ant colony, or a bee hive. All Jews worked individually, but for one common goal. But today we see American Jews divided from Israeli Jews on the matter of Trump and Palestine. Some American Jews are even hating Israel, comparing Israel to their own fictional caricature of Nazi Germany. Only in this case, the Jews really ARE the genocidal "bad guys" that the Nazis never were. Perhaps therefore it might be stated, that when the Jews painted the picture of Nazi Germany and Adolf Hitler, they were actually looking in a mirror. We have always known this to be true. But now, thanks to Trump, everyone in the whole world knows this as well.

The Jewish motto, "By Way of Deception, Thou Shalt Do War." may apply to what Trump is doing to the Jews, by using Jewish tactics to defeat them. Sun Tzu wrote, "All warfare is based on deception." this is the title to chapter one in his book, "The Art of War" which defines deception as the most important aspect of war. And never forget the most powerful weapon of the Jews. Whenever you have defeated any Jew in an argument, what is the last thing they do to you? They call you a Jew!

Now imagine for a moment, there exists a people so awful, that the very worst thing they can do to someone they hate – is to claim YOU are one of them!

There is a famous proverb, "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" which originated in the 4th century BC from the Arthashastra, a foundational text of military strategy written in Sanskrit. About half of all Jews on earth live in the USA, while the other half live in Israel. Essentially, half the Jews hate and seek to destroy Trump, while the other half love him and even renamed Golan Heights (which Trump stole from Syria and gave to Israel) which is now named Trump Heights and has become a new land, a new settlement for American Jews to live on, if they so wish.

It kinda sounds like Trump is trying to get rid of the parasitic American Jews from our homeland voluntarily, without the stuffing them in cattle cars part (something White American women would never allow to happen). If Trump can make Israel a literal paradise for the Jews, while simultaneously making America as uncomfortable as possible for the Jews, they will leave on their own, never to return. American Jews are quite UNcomfortable right now, one can only imagine how much MORE uncomfortable they will become, should Trump win the election.

But that said, I don't believe Trump will win. The election will be rigged, better than they rigged it in 2020 (which I should note, they got away with). Now let's turn to Mexico to see how good the CIA is at rigging elections. Here we have a Latin American country, which you will likely agree is strongly misogynistic, having never before elected a woman to any office (let alone a Jewess, and let alone to the highest office). The ADL reports Mexico is overwhelmingly antisemitic as well.…

How on earth do you suppose a Jewess became the first woman president of Mexico, a country that has never elected a woman OR a Jew to any office? That's right, they did it through vote fraud – which somehow has gone completely undetected by the voters in Mexico. This same shit will happen here in November, where OUR first woman president will be a Negress. How fitting for the slaves of the Jews. The Jewish media are already laying the groundwork via deception. The Jewish media has always worked with the CIA and are again announcing that Trump and Harris (just like Trump and Biden before he dropped out) are split 50/50 in the polls, purportedly making this a very close race, to which common sense will tell you – this can't possibly be true.

Somewhere around 2/3 or more of voters are not mentally ill and would never vote for Biden or Harris again. Most of these people simply can't economically afford any more liberal Democrat policies causing inflation and job loss. We know from Trump's time in office, that fracking brings $1.83 gasoline and we know he brought record employment. We ALL want that once again. I think the voters will overwhelmingly support Trump in November (if only for purely economic reasons). Hold your nose and vote with your wallet. But this coming election will again be rigged, giving 51 or 52% of the vote to Harris – and it will be done so cleanly by the CIA, that you won't even notice the steal.…

And when that actually comes to pass – remember where you saw it predicted first. The reason they will give Harris only 51 or 52% is to avoid civil war. Make it like a coin flip, the Goyim will just suck it up and suffer, like they did when Obama won with 52% of the vote first term, 51% of the vote second term, supposedly, followed by Biden winning with again, 51% of the vote. I mean after all, the Jews are consistently promoting every rigged election as a coin flip, always in preparation for the steal. It doesn't take a lot of intelligence for anyone to see we are being set up, once more.


In reply to by Webmaster (not verified)

Trump is the worst person to live since Hitler left this planet almost 80 years ago, and the sooner this moron dies, the sooner the world will be a better.

The Journal
Pelosi says Trump's tactics are comparable to Hitler, she's 'optimistic' Kamala Harris can win
NANCY PELOSI HAS said some of the tactics used by Donald Trump, such as attacking the media, are comparable to those used by Adolf Hitler and Benito...
3 hours ago

Yahoo News Canada
The Republicans who want to be Trump's VP were once harsh critics with key policy differences
WASHINGTON (AP) — It's hard to refer to someone as “Hitler” and end up in their good graces, let alone potentially become the person they choose to help...
1 hour ago

Daily Kos
Like Hitler, but with Dementia
Hitler is on the march. This is not a joke, folks. Not hyperbole. But lately, when "America's Hitler" (as his running mate once described him) is not...
9 hours ago



In reply to by Webmaster (not verified)

I actually read "Daily Kos" (Like Hitler, but with Dementia) and discovered that their attempts to destroy Trump, actually point out some valid qualities that I think everyone on the Right can rally behind. Here are some highlights.

• there will be detention camps
• calls his opponents "vermin"
• the free press an "enemy of the people" (clearly meant Jewish press)
• promises too [sic] start rounding up brown-skinned people who are "poisoning the blood of our nation" and put them in concentration camps from day one.
• blame Joe Biden and Kamala Harris for inflation

The problem with leftists must be related to perceptual distortions, because that article (if read by someone on the fence) could only encourage them to take a second look – and see if Trump really is saying all those great things. And if he is, then why would anyone hate him (other than the head and shoulders up Israel's ass thing).

I don't think I could ever win a war of deception, as I could never do something like that.


In reply to by DIE NAZI (not verified)

of one thing - his stand on the border and now threatening to deport all illegals. ONLY THE JEW could be so angered and deranged at keeping out murderers, the insane, rapists, welfare seekers and non-Whites. Look at the inscription on the 'statue' by Emma Lazarus - "Give me"... "the wretched refuse of your teeming shore". The Jew hopes to replace their 'arch enemy' - the White Race as the link shows. The Jew owned the slave ships - that is a FACT. And the Jew owns the world's central Rothschild banking system. And the Jew wants to rule over a subservient non-White population.,quality=100,fit=scale-dow…


In reply to by reynolds (not verified)

You are very close to the target, however the Jews don't want illegals on welfare to replace their enemy, the White race that built America – no, they are doing this to EXTERMINATE the White race once and for all! These shit-skin illegals are actually a clever, natural, self-deploying bioweapon used to eradicate the more vulnerable and moral White race. Because of our intelligence and morality, the White race became an existential threat to the Jew and their desires (many of which involve harming children). The Jews know that the shit-skin illegals, once the welfare economy collapses (and eventually it will) that stage two begins: going directly to Whitey to eat (whatever food Whitey has) or to eat the White people themselves, as cannibalism is not out of the question, especially when dealing with Niggers. Once the shit-skins have murdered and eaten all the Whites, they will then murder and eat each other (the same as we saw over the past century in Haiti, Mozambique, Zimbabwe and now South Africa with the "muti killings" happening now). The BBC (below) cherry picked to write a story citing a Black victim, but rest assured, most of the victims are White.

Residents confess to eating human flesh
The family of Zanele Hlatshwayo, 25, who has been missing since July, believe she was a victim of a cannibalism ring that has so far led to the arrest of five men. Her decomposing body was found after a man who claimed to be a traditional healer handed himself over to police last week and confessed that he was tired of eating human flesh. Police officers had initially dismissed his statement, according to reports. It is only after he produced a bloodied hand and foot as proof that he was immediately arrested. He led them to his rented home, where police found eight human ears in a cooking pot.

See also to realize that cannibalism has never ended in Africa, it continues to this day!

If the White race should happen to lose this fight and become a minority in our own homelands, this too shall be our fate. The Jews have been slowly trying to overtake America ever since the first crypto Jewish president (Abraham Lincoln) loosed these sub-human Nigger ape beasts upon us, but even he confessed they are not equal and wanted to drive the Niggers out, purchasing land in Africa (Liberia) as a place to relocate them. Jews are naturally of a hive mind, like ants or bees, or maybe more like termites, who spend hundreds of years building their mounds. Jews are in no hurry to achieve their end goals and work multigenerationally to achieve their Jewish utopia.

So what is the ultimate Jewish end goal? JEW-WORLD. An entire planet taken back to the bronze age with the earth's population reduced to just Jews and their Nigger slaves, with everything owned and run by Jews. This is why the Jews are working non-stop to destroy Western (meaning White) civilization, everywhere on earth, all at the same time (so there is nowhere for their most formidable White enemies to run).

It is not correct to say the Jews simply want to rule over a bunch of supplicant shit-skins. They actually intend to re-enslave them! The biggest argument among the Jews for the extinction of the White race is simply that White people won't stand for the re-enslavement of Blacks (or the molestation of children). Jews are promised in their Talmud by their god Yahweh to own slaves and to rape children over the age of three. When you ask Orthodox Haredi Jewish leadership why they want to bring back slavery, they cite "climate change" which is bullshit, the product of atheist Ashkenazi Jews, intended to be the basis for yet another tax on Whitey (the carbon tax). Carbon tax in Europe, Canada and Australia has already made the promoter of this lie, Al Gore, a billionaire – and he just gets a tiny cut. One can only imagine the wealth achieved by the Ashkenazim themselves with this lie. Yes, the Haredim argue that diesel tractors are more polluting and create more CO2 than Nigger slaves, which is true, so their intent is to exterminate all races, save for the Jews and the most compliant of Niggers, as "they will work, they will plow, they will reap, we will sit like an effendi and eat." This is the end goal for the Jews (a statement which the atheist Ashkenazim claim to rebuke).…

So why Nigger slaves and not White slaves? The Haredim cite thousands of years of successful servitude as evidence the Nigger race is the most suitable for this purpose. The oldest written record of Niggers being successfully used as slaves, dates back six thousand years in Egypt. The Haredim fear Whites who will stop them from achieving this goal, the same way we (try to) stop them from raping children. That primarily, is the reason why we are being destroyed. We are of no use to them – and we may in fact try to stop them.


In reply to by Joe (not verified)

All I can say is that clown in the wig should experience multiculturalism himself, personally. If he has a wife or a daughter, I do hope he is forced to watch – as they enjoy multiculturalism as well. Remember, these anti-White assholes are doing this on purpose BECAUSE THEY ARE EVIL and they enjoy doing evil things. Just like pedophiles who are magnetically attracted to the clergy (to have access to children) psychopaths like this are attracted to the courts. This is why Jews comprise most of the courts, as Jews have the highest rates of psychopathy.

Can you guys imagine what kind of sentence they would hand down to me, given the shit that I have said – just on this website alone? Check out which many have claimed to be the most racist dissertation ever written. Why is it deemed to be so racist? Because it is factually true – and everyone reading it has experienced every point for themselves, thus they instinctually KNOW it is absolutely true.

They hate it because they are unable to refute it.


In reply to by reynolds (not verified)

And whoever controls the MONEY, controls EVERYTHING.

Exactly who is it that controls the media AND the money AND education (to subvert our children) and medicine (to corrupt our health)?

"Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes it's laws" — Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild, the literal King of the Jews.

The problem with the various factions within the pro-White movement is that each has a different center of interest, but all these separate centers of focus, do intersect at the core, the desire to save the White race from a planned Jewish genocide by deception. Jews trick us into killing ourselves with a myriad of obscene choices, everything from MGTOW, fentanyl, race-mixing, abortion, transgender, homosexuality and so on. This (along with erasing our heroes, our history, our dignity, our KINSHIP, our culture, our pride – and replacing us with brown and black untermenschen, in an attempt to shred the fabric civilization) is how a tiny minority (Jews) can exterminate and genocide a much larger White majority (as they convince us to simply pick one of the many degenerate methods outlined above, to exterminate ourselves). History shows us their plans are working. Over my lifetime, the White race went from about 90% or more of the population, to now just over HALF the population.

Farming Niggers. Literally farming Niggers (through welfare, EBT, food stamps, WIC, title-19 and so on) is how our own government, which is owned and run by Jews, works to increase the Nigger CANCER upon our Republic, which is the ONLY way anyone can describe Niggers – as the true definition of cancer. Nearly everyone, everywhere now has a Nigger problem. Niggers are being used by the Jew as a biological weapon against Whites. And once the White race becomes a voting minority in our own homelands, the shit-colored voting majority will vote to take away from us, literally everything we have. The only way back from such a condition, would be through an unpleasant and costly civil race war, which I believe is going to happen anyway, sooner or later, probably later (as that's just how White people are). Our greatest deficit is our compassion and a willingness to tolerate abhorrent behaviors, extending outside of our own race. White compassion for Whites helps our own survival, while White compassion for shit-skins leads to our own demise.

Not everyone looks back at history and wants to identify with the Third Reich, mostly due to a steady diet of negative Jewish propaganda, the holocaust lies about how these parasites (Jews) were treated by their host (Germans), once they were found out and exposed. The Jews are very good at maintaining an illusion that they are the innocent victims of some horrible regime. That illusion however, is starting to slip, thanks to modern technology (mostly cell phone videos) showing what the Jews do to Palestinians (starting with what they did on the day Trump opened the U.S. Embassy on disputed, occupied land in Jerusalem). Jews shot and killed Palestinian protesters in wheelchairs. I believe Trump only made good on the normally empty promise of moving the embassy, because he knew it would begin the chain of events, which currently have exposed the Jews for what they really are – true monsters, who have become hated the world over. And as we all know, that which has been seen, CAN NEVER be unseen. Communist college girls on the far left, now sound exactly the same as I, when describing the Jewish problem. I never saw THAT coming!…

You see, Clinton, Bush and Obama all promised to move the embassy to Jerusalem, but then never followed through with that promise, because moving the embassy to occupied land would HURT Israel and (just as we have all seen) start the process of exposing the truth about Jews. Those three puppets were clearly servants to the Jew, as the Jew made them all rich for being obedient lackeys. As much as Trump appears to be the biggest lap dog of the Jews who has ever lived – he is in reality a disease, that only sickens the Jews. Through deception thou shalt do war, this is a Jewish concept that Trump has fully adopted. It's sickening to watch, but the outcome is spectacular (just like sausages – which are delicious to eat, but nauseating to watch being made).…

The above news article explains how Trump (whom right now, the Jews call "Hitler" every few days in the Jewish media – and this is NOT intended as a term of endearment, as we on the far right might see it) began this process to destruct Israel, by actually making good on his promise, the same promise that was made, but never kept, by every president that came before him. Let's examine my theory that Jews hate and fear Trump, by describing him as "Hitler."

You know, I could never do what Trump does, do what is required to maintain that level of deception, but it is amazing to watch Trump brag about how he's the most pro-Israel, pro-Jewish (pro-anything but White) of any president in history, literally head AND SHOULDERS up Israel's ass, while (like watching the three stooges trying to be helpful, but hurting everyone in the process) watching Trump harm Israel with nearly every action that he takes. And the Judaeo-Christians, which the Jews themselves created (by corrupting the minds of nearly every good Christian American for over a century now, through Jewish media and mind control) remain duped by both Trump and the Jews. These victims of mind control (these Judaeo-Christians) are seeing the Jews as schizophrenic, for HATING Trump, who they themselves see as the literal savior of Zionism and the Jewish people. That's some true schizophrenic ideation right there! I can't express the JOY I felt, when one of the members of the Republican Central Committee, stood up during a meeting and asked, "Why are the Jews such assholes?" as the Jewish control over the Republican party starts to slip.

I believe the icing on the cake was when Trump extended his power of deception (which he learned from the Jews themselves of course, after being around them his whole life in Manhattan) to steal the Niggers away from the Democrats. No republican had ever done THAT since LBJ adopted them as his pets through welfare, in the 1960's. Now keep in mind that "the Nigger vote" means nothing of course, as most Niggers are convicted felons – and thus unable to vote. The rest can't be bothered to register, or to go out and vote on election day, but it is funny to watch Trump steal the Niggers from the Democrats. And the few who toss themselves into the spinning blades with their "antisemitic" truths, like Kanye West and Candace Owens, only add to the amusement. We are now living in interesting times, where I am totally convinced (after watching the CIA rigged elections in Brazil and Venezuela, capping it off with "electing" a Jewess in largely antisemitic, misogynistic Mexico, where Jews represent only 0.2% of the population, where no Jew nor any woman for that matter, has ever been elected to any office, let alone the highest office) that we too will experience THE MOST AMAZING rigged election in history, this coming November.

The Jews will successfully install Harris into the Whitehouse through fraud – and I believe, through their use of the CIA, will achieve something only once before achieved in American history (when Ford became president, without receiving even one vote, after the Jews brought criminal charges against Agnew, forcing him into a plea deal where he resigned rather than face prison – and was replaced with Gerald Ford, whose real Jewish name was Leslie King, so the Jews could then impeach Nixon, who unlike Trump, did not fight the Jews and simply resigned, instead). Leslie King (posing as Gerald Ford) then became president. And just like Ford before her, Harris never received even one vote by the American people to become president. NOT ONE VOTE. She is where she is, because of a coup, the sitting president was forced out of office by the Jews who own him and put him in office through fraud – then she was appointed as his successor, without anyone voting for this candidate. And the Democrats are somehow okay with this.

Biden picked Harris as his running mate, because she was a twofer, both Black and a woman (she is nothing more than DEI). Remember, Harris was the first 2020 Democratic presidential candidate to drop out of the race, as she could not even achieve 1% support for her candidacy from her own party – and the Jewish media now tells us she is JUST as popular as Trump in the polls, or even a percentage point or two above Trump, but because of the margin for error, basically touted as a 50/50 tie. So why are they doing this? Well it's obvious, isn't it? To prepare us for a (this time CIA) rigged election, where Harris wins with 51% of the vote, to Trump's 49% loss. The Jews always rig elections with only a 1% win for their candidate, to (by their estimation) avoid what happened in Venezuela (a civil war). And that is my prediction – please remember that you saw it reported here first.

Edit: Who do you believe? Musk or the Jews?

US Army faces an epic shortfall in recruitment of some 20,000 recruits. So the US Army cut a deal with the United Football League (UFL) and Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson as it struggled with this epic recruitment crisis, with an $11M promotion that failed to bag a single recruit. The UFL's lackluster viewership and the lack of Johnson's popularity among young White men, led to recriminations within the Army. By one tally, the force ended up with 38 fewer recruits than they would have gotten by focusing money and promotions elsewhere. This outcome mirrors The National Guard's $88 million NASCAR sponsorship deal, which similarly failed to net a single recruit. Barely a third of military families today would recommend a career in uniform, according to a survey of more than 7,400 personnel for Blue Star Families. Apparently Gen Zers are less inclined than previous generations, to put on a uniform and die for Israel. And I would imagine China, Russia and Iran are watching this growing weakness. Perhaps at some point, the US will be overthrown and the current Zionist Occupational Government replaced with a Sino Occupational Government? I believe the Chinese would at least treat us better.……


In reply to by Webmaster (not verified)

Do you genuinely believe Sino-Bolshevism would be preferable to the Judeo-Bolshevism currently destroying Europe and the US? Jews and Chinese are both Asiatic (and so am I for that matter).

The hook-nosed reds will force cultural Marxism (racial integration, immigration, miscegenation, feminism, sodomy, transvestism, fornication, and the like). Of course, no one tolerates any of this filth unless they are Jewish, paid by Jews, or brainwashed by them.

In stark contrast, the slant-eyed reds would do something else entirely. They would impose Maoism (totalitarianism, one-party rule, cult of personality, secret police, omnipresent surveillance, arbitrary roundups/arrests, show trials, mass deportations, mass executions, artificial famines, forced labor camps, ethnic cleansing, endless wars, etc).

Additionally, while the Jews utilize subversion such as bribery and corrupting the youth to spread their ideology, the Chinese in the same position would brutally and conquer and suppress their enemies with the methods described in the previous paragraph. While they look different, the intention and outcome is the same: to spread communism. All money and resources of the state go toward this purpose, and this purpose only.

Imagine Political Commissar Ching Chang Chong accuses you of “counter-revolutionary agitation” and “abetting the enemies of the proletariat” in a show trial. What would you say?

Whatever it was, this is the response: “You shall not think! The Party will think for you! There is no truth except the words of the glorious Leader!”

You are sentenced to five years of forced labor for being a political dissident, though you should be thankful you were not shot like your neighbor who was caught hoarding wheat.


In reply to by Does my name matter? (not verified)

What I said exactly: "Perhaps at some point, the US will be overthrown and the current Zionist Occupational Government replaced with a Sino Occupational Government? I believe the Chinese would at least treat us better."

I believe the yellow Jew will treat us better than the kikes, but this is only the better of two horrible outcomes. If the White race refuses to save itself, as it currently is, then a SOG occupation would be slightly better, inasmuch as the White race would survive somewhat, with its history somewhat intact. The plan of the Jews is to erase us completely, no history, no pure genetics, nothing remains. Gone, forever. Erase and replace. Don't make the mistake of assuming I was claiming SOG to be a good outcome, only the slightly less horrible one of the two.

We now have the list of charges against Pavel Durov, the founder and CEO of Telegram, who was arrested in Paris over the weekend (link below).…

A different tactic was used against me, as unlike Durov, I am not a French citizen. Under la loi pour la confiance dans l'économie numérique, or in English, the law for the confidence in the economy digital, in a curt and somewhat abusive manner, I was asked via email to self-doxx. That had never happened to me before. And I'm somewhat insulted that they would think I were stupid enough to comply with such unlawful demands. They were concerned that I did not promptly remove the "illegal" Nazi content after they had made me aware of it (which is a crime in France, but not a crime here) punishable by a year in prison and a € 15,000 fine.

Durov is being accused under several charges that encompass a wide array of alleged complicit behaviors. The French court alleges that Durov enabled illegal transactions by merely providing the digital infrastructure of Telegram. This sets a new and concerning precedent, which in an ideal world would not hold up in court. We shall soon see as Western tyranny is incremented by yet another notch. Here are Durov's charges in English:

Complicity - Administration of an online platform to enable an illicit transaction by an organized gang.

Refusal to communicate, upon request from the authorized authorities, the information or documents necessary for the performance and exploitation of interceptions authorized by law.

Complicity - Possession of the image of a minor of a child pornography nature.

Complicity - Dissemination, offer or provision by an organized gang of an image of a minor of a pornographic nature.

Complicity - Acquisition, transport, possession, offer or transfer of narcotics.

Complicity - Offer, transfer or provision without legitimate reason of equipment, an instrument, a program or data designed or adapted to undermine and access the operation of an automated data processing system.

Complicity - Fraud by an organized gang.

Criminal association with a view to committing a crime or an offense punishable by at least 5 years of imprisonment.

Money laundering of crimes or offenses in organized gang.

Provision of cryptography services aimed at ensuring confidentiality functions without a proper declaration.

Provision of a means of cryptography not exclusively ensuring authentication or integrity control functions without prior declaration.

Importation of a means of cryptography not exclusively ensuring authentication or integrity control functions without prior declaration.

The nature of these charges suggests a desire to shift how legal responsibilities are assigned in online platforms. In the USA, we have a legal framework that shields us from liability for user-generated content (Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act). Section 230 effectively absolves websites of the responsibility for any wrongful acts or criminal behaviors, performed by their users. These charges against Durov indicate a move towards holding website executives personally accountable for the activities that take place on their platforms, even if they are not directly involved in those activities. Let's hope that never becomes possible here.

Turned out to be super racist!

So far, every AI ever built and operated without "filters" or "limits" restricting it to "woke" responses, has evolved over the first 24 hours of being online, into a racist Nazi – there have been no exceptions. So, what does this tell us? It tell us that racism, national socialism, basically what we see in nature all around us, just as we might expect – is perfectly normal, perfectly natural and totally healthy. When you see a herd of deer, are they being racist by not allowing elk to be in their herd? How about a flock of geese? Are they racist because they don't flock with ducks, or are they doing what is natural, good and healthy – what's best for the survival of their own kind?

Racism is simply the Jewish pathologization of a quite normal, quite healthy, survival-oriented instinct that necessarily exists in every form of life on earth. All biological life forms stay within their own biologically familiar groups, from mammals all the way down to bacteria, demonstrating that racism is a basic law of nature itself! It was Jewish psychologists who decided to undermine this natural instinct in the White race, by creating the so-called pathology of "racism," a natural instinctive behavior which we all have and should all embrace.


In reply to by True Morality (not verified)

The reason why "racism" has been pathologized and the reason why it is only a pathology in White people – is because JEWS FEAR THE WHITE RACE. Jews can not control White people to the same extent as they do the lesser brown and black races. Thus Jews took the initiative long ago to control the narrative, pretty much everywhere but here and a tiny few other places. It is this Jewish control over our media, common wisdom, thoughts and opinion, but especially over politics, as to how this condition came to be.

Grand children of today, can't believe how racist their grand parents are – and yet the grand parents of today are hardly what I would call racist.

The Jews, by forcing us to integrate with incompatible races, are forcing a level of discord and violence necessary in their belief, to bring about our complete and total destruction – and ultimately the extinction of the White race forever. This would be the most ambitious subversion that the Jews have ever undertaken. And for the most part, all we can do is hope nature prevails and they fail to achieve their desired outcome, as one of the hardest things I find for White people to overcome (as a general observation) is this race destructive Jewish brainwashing.

Jewish brainwashing actually seems to be more powerful than the instinct for survival in much of the White race – this is especially true for White women, who miscegenate and wind up dead as a result. Those are the lucky ones, the rest are forced to deal with being the single parent of a mixed-race child – and all the misery this entails.

The Commander played this video on his show last night and over 200 livestream viewers suddenly dropped off. What does that tell us? Then over the next 20 minutes or so, about 60 of those viewers came back. There must be some interesting psychology at play here. The Jews are gas lighting the Goyim, telling us this isn't happening – but clearly it is. Niggers are not like us. Niggers are savages. Niggers are evil. Niggers are a failed hominid subspecies that if left on their own, would have died out – but instead, was allowed to skip the stone age, skip the bronze and iron age and come straight into the modern age, which they now share with us. In Star Trek, the Prime Directive is a guiding principle of Starfleet that prohibits its members from interfering with the natural development of primitive civilizations. Its stated aim is to protect these unprepared civilizations from the danger of introducing advanced technology and knowledge, before they are ready. Clearly when it comes to Niggers, the White race has violated the prime directive. And now we see what harm this can bring.

In reply to by Webmaster (not verified)

The Jewish media will sometimes begrudgingly admit there is an inordinate amount of violence and crime associated with Niggers. They will then blame this abhorrent behavior on racism and poverty, or on White supremacy. I will argue that it is not poverty that causes violence and crime. It is violence and crime that causes poverty. It is Nigger behavior that causes racism. White supremacy on the other hand, is prima facie fact and remains true no matter how hard you try to discredit it.

How does the Jewish media deal with cases such as the recent report where the multi-millionaire Nigger that calls itself "P. Diddy" was finally arrested after 15 years of criminal complaints for racketeering and sex trafficking? The indictment includes allegations dating back to 2008. Why did they wait so long to bring an indictment? Nigger privilege I would say. This indictment is only coming in an election year, to help the Democrats – otherwise it never would have been brought.

The indictment reads like any other involving Niggers, irrespective of this Nigger's wealth, listing crimes such as sex trafficking by force, forced labor, kidnapping, arson, bribery, obstruction of justice, fraud, coercion, transportation to engage in prostitution, intimidation, manipulation, threats and so on. Poverty did not cause this behavior. An empty belly and desperation due to poverty did not cause this behavior. IT WAS TYPICAL NIGGER BEHAVIOR THAT CAUSED THIS. Niggers behave this way because they are primitive savages who were thrust into a civilized world, where they do not belong.…

This is not unlike a previous Nigger "R. Kelly" who is now serving a 30 year prison sentence for THE SAME THING, convictions on federal racketeering, sex trafficking, sexual abuse of minors, child pornography, the enticement of minors for sex and so on. Simply MORE TYPICAL NIGGER BEHAVIOR.…

These animals should never have been allowed to share civilization with us. They once were and still are FARM ANIMALS, feral, unfit for civilization. These things should have NEVER been given money by the Jews – because once they have money, they become hundreds of times more harmful, dangerous and destructive. Prosecutors said Kelly's crimes against children and his lack of remorse justify the stiff 30 year sentence. Then jurors in Chicago convicted Kelly last year on 13 counts of producing child porn and enticement of minors for sex. This added an additional 20 additional years to his sentence, where all but one of those years will be served concurrently (showing even MORE Nigger privilege). Not that it matters much, he would need to survive to the age of 80 before release. Niggers typically die before they ever reach that age.

If he was going to destroy democracy he would have done it in 2017.

If she was going to fix any of the problems she says she will fix she would have done it over the past 3.5 years.

Don't you miss low prices, less immigration and cheap gas?

It feels like everyone knows who they are voting for at this point, and we are just kind of waiting around to see if nukes start flying or if Trump gets assassinated before Election Day.

I don’t know what to call this, but it doesn’t feel very “democratic”.

If you are wondering why citizens are being turned away that are coming to help NC and TN - you'll want to hear my experience as someone who has been doing this as a private citizen for almost a decade.

I was able to get into, and out of Asheville. We brought food, water, fuel and other supplies as well as helped people affected by the floods, but there are reasons why they are not allowing outside help.

I cannot confirm the reasons why in NC, but i can tell you the reasons in other storms i have worked - i'll explain below.

Let me share with you the first disaster area that i finally realized that this was all about money.

In the FL Keys with Hurricane Irma, after Texas got hit with Harvey, we finished our efforts in Texas and were the first citizen team to make it to Key Largo.

The federal agencies had US1 shut down just South of Key Largo and wouldn't let anyone in or out, even though the road was okay to pass.

We explained to them that we had boats, Jet skis, food, water, chainsaws and fuel to bring these people.

They didn't care and wouldn't let us in.

It was night by that point and you rarely saw the lights of vehicles in the distance on the individual keys, meaning the emergency response teams from FEMA weren't even working, it was all quiet.

We decided that we would go in anyways.

We filled up the boats and jet skis with all that we could reasonably carry and went by water, around all their BS blockades and around their law enforcement presence on the water.

It was 87 miles by water to get to our first stop, Cudjoe Key and Sugarloaf Key.

When we arrived there we were greeted by a homeowner (for privacy, I won't name him, though we have video) who was elated to see us and all the supplies we brought, his house was in shambles.

We started offloading supplies on the shoreline and helping to get them into what was left of his house.
During that process, he explained to us that FEMA had set up a command center at a local high school on the island, but that they weren't doing anything to help the residents, not even bringing them WATER!

Instead, he explained that they were driving around using a loudspeaker, telling people to stay in their homes. They weren't even helping the home owners with supplies.

I was skeptical at first while he was telling me all of this, but then he said something that broke my heart....

He told us that the people of the keys were all in despair, because they had just seen, weeks before, the overwhelming support for Texas with Hurricane Harvey, by the citizens of this country. He, and his neighbors on all of the keys, felt like Americans had forgotten about them completely, because at this point, FIVE DAYS after landfall, all they had seen was FEMA, and they were of NO HELP.

The residents were cut off from the outside world, no cellular, no internet, no way to contact anyone or hear of any efforts to try to help them.

The ONLY communication they had was from a local radio station on Sugarloaf Key, that was broadcasting on AM to the surrounding keys.

The man, after hearing that there were citizens trying to bring them help, but being refused entry by federal law enforcement was visibly upset. He, and his neighbors, really thought the country had abandoned them.

He insisted that we get into his waterlogged truck and that he would take us to that radio station so that we could go live on air, to tell the citizens trapped in the Keys that we, the American people, were there to help and that the government was trying to stop our efforts.

And that is exactly what we did.

After that, we were determined to help as many people as we could, but we were met with red tape throughout the whole process and time we were in the keys.

We finally we able to talk some authorities to let us down to the Faro Blanco Resort in Marathon towards the end of Boot Key. This was the same hotel where state and local authorities were staging their personnel and they were happy to see us.

I was able to coordinate several trucks full of supplies to be brought down to the EOC in Marathon. I was privy to the EOC meeting, BUT was informed in that meeting, that all of the semi trucks full of food, water and hygiene supplies were to be turned around and not allowed to be offloaded for distribution by the EOC.

THE REASON they gave us, was that these donations were not from companies on their "preferred vendors list" and that they would not accept them or give them to the residents of the keys impacted by the storm.

It was at that point that I realized, this is ALL ABOUT MONEY.

These 'preferred vendors" are getting part of the money being released by the state and federal govt for each disaster. In turn, some of the "vendors" make it on the list because a friend gets them on the list, and in return for getting ridiculously outlandish amounts of compensation for the services they render, they give kickbacks.

So accepting outside donations, even though they are on location and can help people NOW, they would rather let people suffer so they can get their kickbacks.

This meeting solidified my resolve to help these people, regardless of what the greedy officials wanted, we were going to feed the lower keys that were being neglected.

I diverted ALL SEMI TRUCKS to the Faro Blanco Resort in Marathon and filled the entire first floor with pallets upon pallets of food, water and essential supplies and created a food pantry for residents to come and get anything, and however much they needed.

From local state troopers to the homeless, all were given wheel barrels and free reign to get anything they needed.

We also delivered supplies down to Big Pine Key. We helped establish the tent city on Big Pine Key. Big companies like Titos Vodka and Whelen just kept bringing trucks full of everything that was needed. When FEMA FINALLY started handing out boxes of canned goods (limited to one per household), we were filing cars full of food and supplies for people and pets.

There is so much more to the story in the Keys and further from there in other storms we worked- the common theme though, is that the federal government always tries to keep citizens from helping and the local authorities, the ones that live and work in the area are always happy to have outside help.

I call out to Elon Musk and anyone else who can monetarily help people like myself and those that work with me, who have the knowledge and the will to help those devastated by these disasters.

Help us side step the red tape and get the people the relief they need.

We are willing, and we are many, and we are ready.


In reply to by I-am-Orlando (not verified)

You would think the optics of helping hurricane victims would benefit the Democrats, so they would be on top of this and going above and beyond, just weeks before an election.

But then, since they are obviously planning to just cheat and RIG the election – same as last time, why bother helping those you plan to eradicate anyway, under "population reduction" plans? As always, it's all about giving federal dollars to Democrat cronies, who then provide kickbacks to the elected officials who prevent regular citizens from helping.


In reply to by Webmaster (not verified)

Yeah well FEMA announced it does not have enough money for North Carolina, Gerogia, and Tennessee.

We do have enough money for Ukraine.
We do have enough money for Israel.
We do have enough money to support tens of millions of illegal aliens.

But we don't have enough money for actual Americans who are suffering.

This is beyond the pale.

Donald Trump was wrongly accused of federal election interference. Releasing this document weeks before an election, is actual election interference. This document is claimed to be an actual legal brief – clearly it is not. The language used is not that of a legal brief, but rather a lecture, with language geared toward median intelligence voters, of what the Jews and their Nigger supplicants in positions of power, want you to believe. The Jews always accuse others of doing, what they themselves are doing.

Have any of you seen the sentence "Not so." used in any prior legal brief, especially one of this magnitude? Most of us have seen 2000 mules, where most of us realize by the massive amount of video evidence presented in 2000 mules, that the election of 2020 actually was stolen. Trump was well within his purview as president, to question the outcome of that sham election – and to investigate the apparent fraud.

If the Jews are successful with these tactics and successfully install a vacuous brown airhead former prostitute as their straw queen, expect what has happened to the victims of hurricane Helene, to happen to us all. We will all be fucked. We will all be forced to survive or die, in the coming nuclear world war three (which the Jews have been provoking, for quite some time now).

The Jews appear to be working hard to provoke Putin into making a first strike against Western allies, by use of nuclear weapons. Recently, U.S. drones were used to disable most of Putin's ability to wage conventional war, leaving only two options: Putin's surrender, or escalate to global nuclear war. I very much doubt Putin will surrender. Russia is more equipped to survive a nuclear war, than any other country – so once he is backed into the corner far enough, expect a response similar to how Vietnam defeated the USA, with the Tết offensive. Expect to see much of the USA annihilated by a massive, multi-megaton nuclear bombardment during a holiday, possibly (or most likely) on Christmas eve, when the USA is least staffed and least prepared to mount a defense, or a retaliatory strike.

Every war game involving ICBM weaponry ever modeled, has shown that the only way to win a nuclear war – is to start it. That way you (and only you) are prepared for it. The best time to start a nuclear war is during a holiday, late at night, when all the best qualified people hired to defend the target, are at home with their families, leaving only the diversity squad to hopelessly fail to defend anything at all. Be prepared, as no one is coming to save you.

But he might save israel... don't vote for any of these jew loving zionists, and that's literally 98% of them.
Make no mistake, Trump is a jew lickin' shyster.
No wall. No witch locked up. Didn't even actually remove us from Paris accords. Gave Fauci power over us all, at warp speed.
Just another lying mother fucker.
Write in Adolf Hitler or Burt Colucci imho... 88


In reply to by Sgt. BK (not verified)

Did Trump save Israel? Is Israel actually better off today, than they were before Trump? Note that Israel is about to be destroyed by literally ALL of their neighbors, simultaneously. Israel demonstrably can not stop the highly accurate and powerful incoming missiles from Iran. Israel is a sitting duck. Now I know you won't believe this Sgt. BK, but Trump actually helped initiate those attacks. Trump is an unabashed enemy of practically all Jews, just ask the Jews and they will tell you how much they hate (or more accurately, fear) Trump. The Jews routinely call Trump "Hitler" in their Jewish media and say he is an existential threat to all Americans, as well as a threat to "our democracy," yet he equally appears to the public to be both head AND SHOULDERS up these same Jew's asses. But how could that be? The Jews are literally trying to either kill Trump, or at the very least, imprison Trump – while they are using Jewish lawfare to to steal all of Trump's assets, now including mar-a-lago, leaving him with nothing. Yet you say he is one of them? Jews openly and collectively refuse to vote for Trump, but how could that be, if he is one of them?

Imagine for one second that there exists a people so awful, that when they want to smear someone, they simply tell everyone that the person they want to smear, the person they want to ruin – is a fellow Jew.

Now consider this. Clinton promised to move the U.S. Embassy to occupied land (Jerusalem) which to Hamas is an act of war, but he never did it. George Bush also did the exact same thing, he promised to move the embassy, but then never delivered. Obama also made the same promise to move the embassy, yet he too also failed to deliver. Then Trump became president. What did Trump do? Trump both made the exact same promise – and then delivered on that promise, an action which ultimately led to war between Gaza and Israel. This war has caused a tremendous amount of worldwide hatred against Israel and has led to a much wider war between Israel and Lebanon, Gaza, Syria, Iraq, Iran and Yemen, all attacking Israel from every direction, all at once. Spoiler: the reason the other presidents didn't move the embassy, was for this exact reason – because it would cause the ever expanding and intensifying war that we currently see in the region.

I know this is hard for you (or anyone, really) to believe, but we are in a war of deception, with Trump trying to out-Jew the Jews, using their own Jewish methods of deceit, the same methods the Jews have successfully used on you. And get this – sometimes he even wins. And as a result, Israel may very soon be destroyed through this use of deceptive techniques.

But rather than not voting at all, please do burn your ballot with a frivolous vote, rather than to not vote at all. Just write in anything, but do not vote for Harris, as we may not be able to ever recover from 8 years of California liberalism and blanket amnesty for illegals. Just remember that every vote not cast by the end of election day, will then be cast in absentia for Harris. This is how they intend to rig the election. Every uncast vote will not be wasted. These uncast ballots will then be fraudulently cast for Harris. This reduces the risk of generating wholly fraudulent votes which can't be tied to actual registered voters – and thus could be forensically detected, same as in 2020.

But for those who do vote for Trump, what we will get with Trump will be similar to before, should he be allowed to win, which I doubt will be possible – given the already demonstrated powers of the deep state. We will have cheap and plentiful gasoline and a much improved economy, with all the migrants thrown out, the same as he did during his last administration. That is why Trump is actually worth your vote. Yes, I understand you (just as I) would prefer Trump to say "gas the kikes" but what would happen to his campaign if he did, given that most American Whites are brainwashed Zionist Judaeo-Christians? This is why Trump uses deception, because the Jews currently own the minds of a lot of White people, especially our White women. Trump has no other choice, this is the hand he has been dealt. But if the Jews have successfully and irrevocably convinced you that he is one of them – then I suggest you vote for Hitler instead, if only to spoil and void your ballot, so it can't be used to force you to unwittingly vote for Harris.


In reply to by Webmaster (not verified)

Ha! You're correct when you say i don't think he (Trump) 4-D chess'd the attacks on israel. That's quite an optimistic view, mine is they've instigated all of them just by being the jews they are. They always overplay their hand, and they are counting on golem America to protect them from righteous karma.
I see no indication Trump would oppose any agenda BiBi the jew throws on the table.
The way things are going on the world stage, seems more likely they'll decide to install Kamala in spite of popular opinion hoping to incite a civil war. Would be great if they got a revolution instead.
By all means, if it makes you feel better to vote for Trump then go for it but that decision wouldn't sit well for me and would age poorly over time. If i were to ever play with their rules it would be a Massey write in.
My conscience will be clear knowing i didn't participate in what we all know is a jew controlled charade. If Trump turns out to be great for America a year from now, will come back to this thread and admit i was wrong. From the way he speaks, federal prosecution for 'anti-semitism' is more probable than anything benefiting traditional White America.


In reply to by Sgt. BK (not verified)

If the Jews were able to use the courts to stop Trump from completely finishing the wall, you can clearly see that the president doesn't have the power for your "federal prosecution for 'anti-semitism' is more probable than anything" which would require a passage through the house and senate first. If that were to happen, it would then be overturned by the supreme court, just as was the case regarding the laws passed to outlaw protests by the "god hates fags" group (in Snyder v. Phelps).
Snyder v. Phelps, 562 U.S. 443 (2011), is a landmark decision by the Supreme Court of the United States in which the Court held that speech made in a public place on a matter of public concern cannot be the basis of liability for a tort of emotional distress, even if the speech is viewed as offensive or outrageous.

Remember my pointing out the lies spoken by Clinton, Bush, Obama (regarding moving the embassy) political hyperbole used to get elected? Well consider this antisemitism hyperbole from Trump as just that, since a president doesn't have the power to prosecute antisemites. By Trump claiming he is more Jewish than Jews, when it comes to antisemitism, he is hijacking the brainwashing that is already installed in the 75 million Zionist Judaeo-Christian voters he needs, in order to be elected. This is a very dirty trick being played by Trump against the Jews, to hijack their own victims, to take control over the brainwashed slaves, pulling them away from their Jewish masters. Trump simply plays the hand he is dealt, what else can he do? What you see may be ugly to you, it is ugly to me as well – but the Jews see as even MORE ugly (for them).

Back in 2016 you had no problem voting for Trump, because he was dog whistling to pro-Whites. He wanted and needed our support back then. Remember, this was pre-Charlottesville. Since then, the Jews have made pro-White toxic. I'm sure that Trump would want us to be a part of his MAGA movement, but the Jews have been on top of that, pointing out the dog whistles, tying Trump to Charlottesville. Today Trump only needs the majority support of independents, most of which unfortunately are Zionist Judaeo-Christians, which is the reason for this anti-White rhetoric. The Jews have already made the majority of Americans both Zionist and anti-White. So Trump must also be both Zionist and anti-White. However, if you can hijack that Jewish brainwashing that already exists – and use it for good, then why not?

Consider during the debate when Harris claimed that both she and Walz own guns – when we know that they don't. Both want gun bans. Both are on record wanting gun bans. But saying they suddenly became pro-2nd right before an election, well that only benefits them in that election.

You say "My conscience will be clear" and "will come back to this thread and admit i was wrong" when there is actually no harm to be had by voting for Trump – and only economic benefit that you know you will receive, for voting for Trump if he should somehow win. Spoiling your ballot by voting Hitler, even if this were done by every pro-White, likely won't affect the election that much, we are at most a 3% minority. But a 3% undetectable boost will greatly aid Harris! Which is why I agree you should spoil your ballot rather than letting them steal it for Democrats.

I think we can agree that Trump will once again open up fracking and finish building the pipelines that were shut down by Biden on his first day in office. I think we can agree that cheaper energy will bring down the cost of everything and bring an improved economic outlook. Relief from government over-spending and energy restriction is something we need. If Harris should win, inflation and unemployment will skyrocket – as will the unwanted turd world invaders, coming for da gibs. Any babies born in the USA becomes an anchor baby – never forget that (as then you can NEVER get them out).

But because the Jews fear Trump enough to try to kill him, steal all his money and properties through lawfare and even imprison him for the rest of his life for the 43 imaginary felonies they claim he was convicted of, that's enough signal from the Jews for me to vote for Trump. Jews are not hiding their true feelings, they can not – emotions ARE their weakness (a weakness we never seem to exploit in the Jew, but we should).

You can never tell what a good poker player is holding. Thus we can't tell what Trump is really thinking and planning. But what we can probably agree on is that the Jews ARE SHITTING ALL OVER TRUMP and they do this non-stop since 16 June 2015. Thus, it is highly likely that Trump hates the Jews more than you hate them. But a good poker player will never let you know when you are under their skin.

Truth said, given the media constantly reporting that Trump and Harris are dead-locked (which is NOT the case when you talk to people, or see polls on X, even polls initiated by hard leftists where Trump gets 70+ of the vote) it appears the Jews plan is just to rig the election NOT by generating excess votes for Harris, the same way they did with Biden (because remember, they did get caught doing this). This time they are just going to make a perfect tie in both the popular vote AND the electoral vote, forcing the House and Senate to pick the winner. The Senate is majority Democrat. My bet is a few Democrats will be told to vote for Trump, to both provide plausible deniability (by pointing to the democrats who voted for Trump) and to make the Senate also a perfect tie as well – this "make it a tie" scenario, which ALL of the Jewish media is promoting, will dissuade voters from any suspicions of fraud. What I just described is the perfect crime – and is likely what will happen (just watch and see).

Harris herself becomes the tie-breaker in the Senate and Harris will of course, pick herself. This greatly benefits the Jews, because the whole world will see Harris as the final deciding vote, making anything her administration does – her fault (and not the fault of the Jews, who own and run her administration). This scheme is actually quite brilliant and is likely the actual path the Jews will follow. This election is historical, the Jews will claim.


In reply to by Webmaster (not verified)

Columbus was a jew in the employ of Rothschild who in fact owned those ships. A large portion of the Spanish fleet as well as the East Indian trade ( Brittish) were controlled by super jews. Founding a " israel" for the " six million " was an objective of super jews for as long as written record proves they were working together as a "nation" Before the zionist movement, before the 1666 movement, all the way into the crusades kikes were trying to figure out if rumors of the American continent were true so they could steel it. All the way back to the days when the people of fire monopolized sea travel by the propaganda of the " pillars of Hercules " myth, thousands of years ago, those huge white men with ships that held over a hundred people, had sails and rutters, dragon head ships that held swastika painted shields over the side, way back when, the people who left rune in Arizona, the Dakotas, Canada. Made settlements from Florida to Argentina. Those people sometimes gave rides to wondering salesmen who worked as deckhands until reaching a desired port, in a time before Moses was born the jew was jealous of the capability of white men and sought to exploit it. Many shit skin tribes living in the Americas have folk lore of these white men and some even have pictograph of the ships that brought them here. These niggers are too lazy to mow their lawn today, you really believe they walked here? There are maps, written records, photograph, globes even, bodies of these people with steal tools older than the ice age. The jews have their records as well that cry of the victimhood suffered living parasiticly as a guest in everyone else's counties. What was happening in Europe when these Rothschild ships were fleeing? Stop sticking up for make believe kike holidays, instead maybe learn a little history. Did the Reich randomly choose to explore South America, Antarctica, ECT or were they operating in Intel from our own stories? What did the Nazis discover when the decided to take our lore more seriously? Why is the Dragon and swastika on every continent? Who told the entire comment world gold has value? Himmler was a curious man and sought to find answers, national socialism was invented by Thule after all, which is the capital of...? Inner earth?

Auto correct on my device is aggressive, apologies. We have a holiday that's stuck between two jews here. Let's begin with the oldest remains of an indigenous person on this continent, I believe it stands at 4,700years, which was not the ice age or even close to. There was a settlement discovered in Florida, over a dozen bodies wearing clothes in a mass grave. They had metal knives, fish hooks and buttons all from a mine in northern France. The bodies were tested every way imaginable because a swastika was found. They were sent to israel, which boasts to have the best testing for genomes and carbon, both date and race. The jews were a little mad about the conclusion and sent everything to France which also claims to have the best equipment. Both groups of scientists agree the remains were European from 12,000-14,000 years ago. A full on white guy was found in Arizona, at least 12,000 years old. Facial reconstruction made this guy look a lot like me, could be first cousins. Viking like ships of 10,000+ old vintage have been found in both coasts. The remains of giants as well, which also had white skin but are not related to us have been discovered. A cave in Utah was full of white guys that had been burned. The Inca have tales of the "cloud people" with blue eyes that taught them technology. Myans have pictographs of not just white people but also black "people" , a civilization that disappeared around 700ad. Even the Spanish said they saw white men with red hair in South America. To truly be an indigenous person you are staking claim of having been somewhere first. There are no fossil records of these shit skins anywhere in the world older than the ice age, white people who look just like us have been dated up to 47,000 years on earth. After the last flood our fossil record shows that various shit skins pop up like magic all over the world in places they never were before, slave hybrids that belonged to giants, Sumerian , freed at last to ruin everything they touch. Again, many records of this exist all over the world in many languages, with pictures if the words are too hard to comprehend.

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Who was the leader of Germany during WWII? (just his last name)