Police ADL Collusion
Atlantis, Florida Chief of Police Robert G. Mangold has been confirmed to be actively colluding with the Florida branch of the ADL (Anti-Defamation League) in an attempt to hide from you the truth. Florida law enforcement is actively in collusion with the Jews, in an attempt to deny White Floridians of their civil rights. In this bombshell release by "Justice Report" Mangold can be seen being scolded by interim director of the Florida ADL, Yael Hershfield for unknowingly agreeing on camera that JEWS DO IN FACT CONTROL MANY IF NOT ALL THE LEVERS OF POWER IN AMERICA.
Mangold is clearly a servant of the Jews, otherwise he would not be in the position of power that he now finds himself, Chief of Police, as Jews and Jews alone, decide who will and who will not hold subservient positions of power in America. This is why when the GDL (Goyim Defense League) released the video, the first thing he did after discovering its existence, was report to his Jewish masters, to apologize and make excuses for his mistake. You may have noticed what I noticed, that they already had each other's contact information and the language of their texts suggest they have already discussed matters of this nature before. Mangold gloats that he was able to arrest one of the troupe for the dubious charge of obstruction, while they were exercising their First Amendment Rights to tell Americans about this covert and corrupt Jewish influence at all levels.
In these damning texts and emails between the Chief and director, you will clearly see them discuss methods on how BEST to DENY the constitutional rights of Whites, through twisted interpretations of already existing law. The recording shows Mangold (in real-time) agreeing with many (if not all) of the political points made by the GDL, regarding the negative and disproportionate impact Jews have on America. Mangold then contacted Hershfield to receive his reprimand, as the bad Goyim servant to the Jews that he appears to be (in this recording). Mangold apologizes in his texts to the Jewess, while claiming he was only agreeing with Minadeo to defuse the situation and claims he will be smarter next time, saying, “Not my finest moment. No excuses, recover and be smarter next time. At least we managed to arrest one for obstruction.” He also suggested that they take their messages to his private (burner) phone, so they will NOT be unavailable via FOIA to the public – a tactic which is used by high ranking political criminals, such as Hillary Clinton with her private and insecure email server. I am not claiming here that Mangold is in fact a criminal, just that he suggests employing tactics of obfuscation and obstruction of justice, the same as those used by criminals in power.
What we must all realize here is that Mangold only serves the Jews because he likely believes there is no other way – that the Jews are simply too powerful, having achieved their levels of dominance in the power structure, long before he was even born. He likely knows that if you want a successful career as a powerful person in law enforcement, you will only achieve that goal, by sucking Jewish cock and doing what you are told to do, by the Jews. In these released communications, you will see just that!
If you have not done so already, follow this link to read the report.
In epilogue, Mangold really needs to behave like an American, to behave like a man, to get on the right side of history in this political fight for our future and to behave like the supporter of the Constitution he claims to be, even if it costs him his job! Which of course it will. As Jews RULE with an iron fist, at all levels in America (as this he clearly already knows, as shown by his prompt reporting with apology to his Jewish masters at the ADL).
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